Missions Updates

A New Country

It was very special to welcome Claudette, Felix and their family to worship with us on Sunday at Attridge. The family, originally from Burundi came to Canada in January 2021 as refugees sponsored by our church.

Claudette shared a message of thankfulness to God, for his care and provision for them and for our churches help in their journey. She encouraged us to continue to care for those who can’t care for themselves and spoke a blessing over us.

Thank you church for your welcome to newcomers like Claudette, for sharing your finances to make sponsorship possible, for your generous donations to set up their home and for your prayers for their family. A special thank you to the small resettlement team that has helped in so many practical and relational ways! You are a blessing.

If you would like to connect with the family to hear their stories, help with driving practise, homework or language through conversation or just to make a new friend contact