For all general inquiries, please contact
FGCC Staff
Matt Ewert
Lead Pastor
Email Matt
Kevin Wiens
Missions and Ministry Support Pastor
Email Kevin
Maureen Brown
Pastor of Intergenerational Ministries
Email Maureen
Matt Blackaby
Pastor of Worship & Community
Email Matt
Angela Richards
Director of Care
Email Angela
Kendrew Friesen
Youth Pastor
Email Kendrew
Maryanne Berge
Global Missions Pastor
Email Maryanne
Sarah Paupst
Youth & Children’s Ministry Associate
Email Sarah
Grace Friesen
Ministry Assistant
Email Grace
Luke Fuglerud
Tech & Media Director
Email Luke
Jason Bryans
Facility and Resource Manager
Email | 306.933.2266
Curtis Bergen
Head Custodian
Email Curtis
Karen Verdouw
Financial Administrator
Email | 306.933.2266
Daniel Kasdorf
Ministry Intern (Young Adults)
Email Daniel
The Gathering Staff
Brian Wiens
The Gathering Lead Pastor
Email Brian
Our church Council serves the FGCC Congregations in a governance role ensuring that we stay focused on our mission and vision, and abide by our operating by-laws and policies. Council does this through strategic planning, spiritual and organizational leadership, measuring results, and holding the Lead pastor accountable.
Council members are discerned through a congregational committee called the Leadership Discernment and Development Committee, then elected by our membership at a congregations meeting.
Janice Block (Secretary), Doug Siemens, Steven Guenther, Joel Dyck, Colleen Foth,
Brian Heagy (Moderator), Galen Heinrichs, Ken Willms, Cornie Unger