The following individuals were approved for membership: Marlene Matiko (Attridge), Norma Coats (Attridge), Kyle Donauer (The Gathering) and Olivia Donauer (The Gathering).
The Gathering:
Brian Wiens shared that The Gathering has been discerning if the Goerzen Street building will be feasible for them to use. Discussion and recognition of the impact this may have on those involved with the former North Site community. Will be a work bee May 6/23 to clean up portables. The Gathering intends to try using the Goerzen building for May and June where they will have higher numbers of attendees and then decide at the end of June as to whether it is feasible in the long term.
Financial Update:
The projected income for 2022-23 is $1,581,596.04 which is 99.2% of the budget. Of this, $1,530,156.00 is projected donations, $26,221,06.00 non-donation income (rentals) and $25,218.98 investment income.
Council Committees:
Leadership Development and Discernment: One person is undergoing the discernment process to serve on Council. The committee is in conversation with a few other individuals.
Governance: The proposed Bylaws changes need to be completed by May 21, 2023 so that they can be made available to the membership 2 weeks prior to the June Congregations Meeting.
Financial Audit Committee: Anna Robinson shared the giving report. The report is quite encouraging, and it was suggested that it be made available for interested members.
2023-24 Proposed Budget:
Kevin presented the latest draft of the Budget, about $1.6 million.
Motion – to recommend the proposed 2023-24 Budget be presented to the membership with the shift of $10,500.00 from Transition costs to maintenance expenses – MSC.
A building assessment has been completed and suggests that Attridge building can continue to be used for the next 40 years and so we will need to be prepared to maintain and do upgrades. 1, 3 and 5-year plan for facility management has been provided to council. Question is how do we fund this? Mix of capital campaign and IRR is what was suggested back in March 2022. There is an urgent upcoming expense of $360,000.00 replacing the RTUs for our Attridge building.
Motion – to recommend to the membership that we take $360,000.00 from the IRR to pay for the immediate replacement of the RTUs – MSC
Motion – to recommend to the membership that we start a capital campaign with the goal to raise $750,000 for other upcoming maintenance expenses – MSC
Motion – to recommend to the membership that we pay back the $360,000.00 taken from the IRR from the funds raised in the capital campaign – MSC
Council and the Worship Pastor Search Committee will be meeting with Candidate on May 5, 2023 at 6:00 pm. The vote will take place in the Attridge sanctuary after the worship service on May 7, 2023. Ballots will be needed and the percentage in favor required to extend the call is 75%.
SK MB Code of Ethics:
All staff have signed this. (Code of Ethics for SKMB Credential Holders. Code of Ethics for Non-Credentialed Pastors/Leaders in SKMB churches)
June Congregations Meeting:
There will be a pre-meeting Budget review meeting at 5:00 pm with a pizza supper provided to those who attend. An update on multi-site will be provided sharing that we are anticipating a shift to more independence between our sites. Time for ministry reports from The Gathering and Attridge will be provided.
Mediation Report: Tim Nickel, our mediator provided a report of the March 16, 2023 event. He suggests a 2-hour process of next steps and further discussion. He does not feel he needs to be the person to lead this. We could include this as part of the Fall Council Retreat and invite staff to attend. The report will be provided to staff to see what they think about the next steps and if they feel this is needed.
Motions approved by Council through electronic vote:
Bylaw Changes to be brought to the June Congregations meeting:
D. Terms of office for all elected positions shall be for two years. Council members (Article 4.A.6) may be re-elected twice. After serving three terms, at least two years must elapse before they are eligible for re-election to Council.
Suggested changes:
D. Terms of office for all elected positions shall be for three years except for Leadership Discernment and Development Committee (LDDC) member positions (Article 4.A.7). Council members (Article 4.A.6) may be re-elected twice. After serving three two terms, at least two years must elapse before they are eligible for re-election to Council.
E. The Moderator or Co-Moderators serve an additional year after their last three-year term as a non-voting member in an advisory role.
Motion: To modify the FGCC Bylaws, section 2.5, items d, and add item e. MSC
Pastor of Worship and Community
Motion: To affirm offering Matthew Blackaby the position of Pastor of Worship and Community at FGCC. MSC