
Our goal in GroveCare is to provide crisis care and hospital care for all ages. Examples of this are illness, death, mental health and addictions.

We provide love and compassion for care home residents in and around Saskatoon. We offer spiritual care and support for those who have experienced a loss in their family including before, during and after care.

For support and resources please contact Angela.

Forest Grove Community Church is very blessed to have volunteers who makes mittens for our children of Saskatoon in schools and at the Bridge. We also have volunteers who make prayer shawls to be brought to hospitals and care homes as a token of love and prayer,

Support Group – BACK TO MONDAY NIGHTS, beginning Sept 9th, 2024.

We are hosting an anonymous recovery program for those who are impacted by mental health and alcohol and substance abuse. If you or someone you know is struggling in these areas, you are not alone. Our focus is Recovery through Jesus because “We can’t, He can, and I will let Him”.

MONDAYS at 7-830pm. The location differs from time to time so please contact Angela 306-381-5844 if you are interested in attending. This meeting will be closed on Statutory Holidays and other Monday nights that the church is hosting another ministry event.

Please contact Angela for more information or any questions you may have in regards to this program.

We understand that you may be looking for some support that might not be listed here. Please contact Angela to help you get pointed in the right direction.