
Corporate Worship Service

Join Us In Person or Online @ 10:30AM

We welcome all to join us for our Sunday morning worship services!

Children’s programming is provided during the service.
(not on long weekends)

In Mark 12, when asked by a teacher of the law what the greatest commandment was, Jesus replied by sharing his top two. The first, to love God with everything one is and has. And the second, to love one’s neighbor as much as oneself.  This fall we are going to consider these commands, wrestling through their implications and considering how we can be people who practically live them out in our day to day lives.  

Sermon Discussion Questions

Join us in online or through our YouTube channel. 

Recent Services

Recent Series


Matthew 9:35-10:8 // The Greatest Commandments // Matt Ewert Forest Grove Community Church Sermons

Pastor Matt Ewert speaks from Matthew 9:35-10:8 as we continue our series titled The Greatest Commandments.
  1. Matthew 9:35-10:8 // The Greatest Commandments // Matt Ewert
  2. Love Your Neighbour As Yourself // The Greatest Commandments // Pastor Hakan
  3. Mark 12:28-34; Leviticus 19:9-18 // The Greatest Commandments // Matt Ewert