Call to Prayer

Call to Prayer – June 13th

One of the statements in the Lord’s prayer is for God’s kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven. We are asked to pray for this to happen right now. One of the verses that was shared from our Journey Wall was Matthew 6:33 where Jesus tells us to,

“…seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

The context is our tendency to focus on our own needs and wants. Jesus invites us to go after God’s kingdom and look for and live out His truth. The result will be that God’s kingdom will begin to show up and develop in us and around us. Then our needs will be met, and possibly changed, as we focus on His priorities.  

We invite you to pray for God’s kingdom to come, for our hearts and thoughts to be drawn to His priorities and His ways in our own lives. Pray for God to show us His kingdom coming as a church and for us to desire it and to seek after it with all our heart. Where are you seeing God at work in you? In our church?  

Share your thoughts and specific prayers by emailing Reg.