Tuesday, February 1
7:30-9:30pm @ North Site
- Anna Robinson led us in a devotional.
- The agenda and previous minutes were accepted.
- There was some discussion and follow-up conversation re: the previous minutes:
- The Facilities Team is working on hiring a consultant to review the needs of our aging buildings – (immediate – 10-year needs).
- Sue Enns is working on the 2022/23 budget with staff.
- Personnel Resources Committee (PRC) working on creating a staff remuneration policy.
- The Transition Team is being put into place. Gil Klassen is leading this team alongside Reg Toews.
- Maureen Brown led us through the Common Understandings and Common Covenant (CUCC) document that will be brought to the SKMB Assembly in March. We will need some FGCC delegate.
- Reg gave an update as to what he has been working on this month. He has completed his interviews with staff. A congregational survey will be coming out shortly.
- Prayer Triads are starting this month. Reg updated Council on what these are and how they can be involved.
- Committee Reports were deferred to the next meeting on February 15th.
- An in-camera was held.
Summary of Motions:
#1: to accept the agenda – M/S/C
#2: to accept the previous minutes – M/S/C
#3: to approve the highlighted names as per the Transition Team list – M/S/C
#4: that once the minutes have been approved, Council will send out information to staff and congregations about decisions and/or actions being taken. – M/S/C
Upcoming Council Meetings:
February 15th @ 7:30pm
March 18-19 Council Retreat Weekend
March 29 @ 7:30pm
Upcoming Congregations Meeting:
March 6th