MARCH 18th, 2022
- Spiritual Gift Discussion:
- Kevin Wiens led Council through sharing our Spiritual Gifts
- A time of affirmation and prayer
- LDDC will use this information to discern where we have need of gifts on council
- Council Covenant of Collaboration:
- Worked through a document that council will commit to following.
MARCH 19, 2022
- Common Understandings and Common Covenant Document (CUCC)
- The CUCC was passed at the Provincial Assembly in March: Sask MB churches are asked to affirm their commitment to the Provincial MB conference and to the National MB Confession of Faith.
- FGCC will begin to work through discussions around the MB confession of Faith as staff, leaders and congregants. As a church we will need to affirm our commitment to the conference within the next 12-24 months.
- Multisite Discussion
- Reg shared multi-site/multi-church models
- Reviewed the Task Force findings
- An outcome from the findings was to have more representation from our Attridge Site on Lead Team (3 from Attridge, 1 Broadway, 1 North, 2 all sites)
- Discussion about mission and purpose.
- Big Questions to work through:
- Define the “why” of multisite
- Define the model
- Summary will be released to staff and congregation soon.