Attridge News Council Updates

Dec 13 Council Meeting Highlights

Present: Erica Fraser, Ken Willms, Anna Robinson, Gil Klassen, Janice Block
Regrets: Joel Dyck
Staff Present: Reg Toews, Kevin Wiens, Angela Richards

Staff: Angela Richards shared about how things are going with the Seniors and taking on the Human Resources responsibilities, as well as her personal life. She receives great joy visiting with Seniors and being with families at times of funerals. She is supported by a good team of volunteers. The transition from Delores Doerksen has gone well. The HR role is going better, and she is settling into this slowly. She is finding staff morale to be improving and there is more teamwork and hope. She has been asked by the Missions Team to lead a team of women on a missions trip to Panama this spring. 

Laura Laskowski has been hired as the Children’s Ministry Assistant. Michael McDavid and Liang Cui are in the process of being hired to fill Curtis Bergen’s leave in January/February 2023. 

Facility Update: Jason Bryans will join us in January to give a report regarding the Attridge facility. We have signed a locked-in 4-year term for natural gas as prices are expected to rise significantly. Costs will increase from $18-19k/year to $28-29k/year. 

Attendance Updates: Updates from sites and Attridge programs were shared. 

Attridge Worship (includes livestream but not including kids): 345  
Grove Kids Sunday morning: 82  
Grove Kids Wednesday musical: 42  
Junior High: 93 (28 Leaders, 50 kids, 12 LIT’s)  
Senior High: 42 (15 leaders, 27 kids)  
Young Adults: 21 (15 young adults, 5 leaders)  
MOM’s: 29  
Senior’s lunch: 87  
Broadway Worship: 74 (28 kids, 46 adults)  
North Worship: 36 (23 adults, 10 kids, 3 zoom) 

Financial Update:  The November financial statements were just completed today. We broke even in November with income and expenses so are sitting the same as we were last month. We anticipate an increase in giving in December as this is the usual pattern. 

Strategic Plan: An updated plan was shared with more “measurables” such as attendance numbers, numbers of people serving, completion target dates, etc. The Strategic Plan was approved as a working document. The priorities that need to be our primary focus right now are the transition process and multisite. Kevin Wiens will write up a summary document to present to the congregation. 

Mediation: Tim Nickel will be meeting with staff on December 14. He will be meeting with staff and Council the evening of January 26, 2023. He has met with Reg Toews. 

North Site: Erica met with a member of North Site Leadership Team. Their team meets 4 times a year. They submitted a report encompassing July 2022 to the present. 

Multisite reporting: Erica will work on a draft reporting process and communication to congregation monthly from all 3 sites 

SK MB Conference Code of Conduct: Use this link to view document. This was presented at the SKMB Leadership Forum in late November. It is expected that credentialed staff will hear more in January 2023. It is up to individual churches to decide what they will expect of non-credentialed staff and lay leaders. We plan to ask Council members and all non-credentialed staff sign and may extend this further to other lay leaders. 

Transition Team: Gil shared some of the preliminary results and feedback from the Dec 3 Multisite conversation. There are 30 pages of comments to review. They will summarize these for presentation at the next Council meeting. They will also be shared with each site’s leadership. 

Read more Council Meeting Highlights