Council met for the first time since summer on August 24, 2021. It was great to be together and to talk through some of the major things going on in our church right now. In order to stay focused and moving forward, Council has listed their top three priorities (in order of what they will be focusing on):
#1. Transitional Lead Pastor Hiring – Council is committed to finding a Transitional Lead Pastor that will help walk our church through this year of transitions. They are exploring the name of a person who comes highly recommended to our church from the MB Conference family. More details will be brought to the Congregations as the process gets underway.
#2. Multi-Site – Last year, Council appointed a small task force to evaluate our current Multi-Site structure. Out of this came a report for Council to review and make suggestions from. Council is committed to working through the report and making a plan forward with our church’s best interest in mind.
#3. TRC Proposal – Council is committed to walking our church through what our response to the TRC proposal will be, as it relates to our Strategic Plan. This will be one of the main focuses of our Council Retreat in October.