Before he even started with Forest Grove Community Church on January 1st, 2022, Reg Toews had been putting in work to prepare for his transitional work with us. We wanted to give our congregations a chance to learn more about our new Transitional Lead Pastor, Reg Toews, so we sat down with him, and asked him some questions to gain some insight on his life, and his ministry.
What drew you to the position at Forest Grove Community Church, and what do you look forward to here?
I have a heart for the Church. The church is made up of people who are broken, yet want to do better. There is no perfect church. I was drawn to FGCC knowing that this is a good church that is in need of some clarity around mission and vision. When I was contacted to consider FGCC I was in the end stages of another transition and wanted to finish well, so I actually said I wouldn’t consider it until September. Brenda and I also have a deep love for Saskatchewan and the people here – we wouldn’t move here for the weather! We look forward to serving the staff and congregations that make us FGCC. We love meeting new people. We are also committed to being faithful to God’s leading and direction.
What made you want to become a Transitional Pastor?
As we finished an almost twenty year ministry in Chilliwack, we were drawn to the needs of both individual people and the needs of churches. Both can be very broken and hurting. God wants to heal people, and churches. Based on our experiences, we recognized that God had given us some gifts in helping churches move to a place of greater healing and health.
What’s something our church should know about yourself, and Brenda?
We have been married for 41 years. We have three of our own kids, two added through marriage and six grandkids. We live with our oldest daughter and her husband with four of our grandkids. We are both readers and learners. Last summer my daughter and I hiked 46 km of the West Coast Trail over 4 days. It was a challenging and fun experience.
What are some of your hobbies?
I enjoy being outside and active. Hiking and running are both what I love to do. We also own a motorcycle and enjoy going on both short and long rides together. Last year we bought a boat (it’s old) as we enjoy being both in, and on, the water. Brenda loves to garden with flowers and beauty being the most important.
What will you need to see, from our church and staff, in order to start the search process for our next Lead Pastor?
As I begin this process, this question is pre-mature. The search process is the final piece of a very complex puzzle. The goal of transitional ministry is to prepare a church to be healthier and spiritually ready for the next lead pastor. Learning to pray together, love each other, work through pain and healing, having a desire to follow God wherever He leads and have healthy systems in place will all be required prior to beginning the search for the next lead pastor.
At the end of your time with us, what sort of state would you hope to see our church in?
I have mentioned health a few times. I would see a church that is healthier – notice not simply healthy but growing in health. One where people love and serve each other and see their calling to reach out to the community where God has placed them and beyond. A church that knows why they exist and are committed to being that and doing what is required to be the church God has called and gifted them to be.