Global Mission

Mission is from everywhere to everywhere. Jesus invites us to join Him where He is present and already at work around the world….to GO with His authority, to PRAY for His Spirit to change lives and to GIVE so that others may know.

Your name and your renown are the desires of our heart” Is 26:8

How do we do this?


 A Sending Church is a local community of Christ-followers who have made a covenant together to be prayerful, deliberate, and proactive in developing, commissioning, and sending their own members both locally and globally, often in partnership with other churches or agencies, and continuing to encourage, support, and advocate for them while making disciples cross-culturally.- Upstream Collective 

We want to see the whole church engaged in sending and going. All through scripture God is a sending God. In John 20:21 Jesus says “as the Father has sent me I am sending you.” Through prayer, the leading of the Holy Spirit, encouragement, practical helps and financial support we want to be a church that SENDS (Acts 13:1-3). We also desire to come alongside the global church as they are sending their members. Missions is from everywhere to everywhere.


We want to encourage every person, young and old, to be serving others locally, nationally and globally. As we are going we are to make disciples of Jesus. We seek to do this through intentional, relational partnerships that we are developing with our global family in strategic areas around the world and in our city. As we GO with a humble posture of learning and loving our neighbour our view of God, His people and His world will expand and grow. (Matt 28:19-20; Matt 27:37-39)


Prayer is powerful. Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the Harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” – Matt 9:37-38

We invite you to pray for the Lord to raise up people who will GOSEND and PRAY so that we will see transformation in our city, our country and the nations. What a privilege to partner with God in prayer!

Global Lead Team

We have one collective leadership team representing both our sites: Curtis and Eliana Bergen, JoAnne Epp, Grace Ford, Bernice Foth, Steven Schroeder, Jan Stirling, Kevin Wiens (Pastor of Discipleship), and Maryanne Berge (Global Mission Pastor).

If you would like more information about Global Outreach, please feel free to contact Pastor Kevin or any one on the Global lead team.