Stories Of Transformation

Grace Friesen

I think the 1st time was in elementary school when my mom had a brain tumor. My mom was a believer and raised us kids going to church and teaching us God’s love, but my dad was not living the abundant Christian life during my childhood (he had grown up with a Christian family but had thrown that away).

  • When did Jesus first get your attention?

I think the 1st time was in elementary school when my mom had a brain tumor. My mom was a believer and raised us kids going to church and teaching us God’s love, but my dad was not living the abundant Christian life during my childhood (he had grown up with a Christian family but had thrown that away). Through my mom’s hospitalization and surgery Dad didn’t know where to turn or what to do so he met with the pastor and turned his life over to Jesus. The change in Dad was a total miracle! My mom recovered and lived for many years. Dad and Mom lived out their love for Jesus and I saw how Jesus works miracles and is alive!

  • What is a faith marker (or key moment in your faith) that you have experienced?

Nothing is a coincidence with God! When my brother died suddenly in a car accident, I was overwhelmed at the way God works. He set up opportunities before and after Don’s death that people could say were coincidences, but they were definitely God’s hand orchestrating it. This was such a confirmation that God is in control and I can trust Him at all times.

  • What is Jesus doing in your life right now? (Be as current as possible, like during the pandemic)

Jesus is teaching me (or trying to teach me) to wait on Him and know Him. Because of the limited gatherings I am sad, but I know He can and will uphold me and be there with me. It is difficult for me, but I am learning to ‘be still and know that He is God”. I need to choose JOY!

  • What is a favourite scripture and why?

Philippians 4:6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I am not an anxious person so its not that part of the verse that sticks out for me but the part of giving thanks in everything. I am reminded that in the good and in the tough times if I approach things with thanksgiving my outlook and response reflects the goodness of God and how thankful I really am for who is and the many blessings I have.

  • Why do you love our church? 

The opportunity to serve together with others.  I love all the generations from the littlest to the oldest. The teaching is solid. I love the people and working at the church with the pastors and staff is a real blessing!