I’m New Here!


What is Forest Grove Community Church all about?

We believe in Transformation in Jesus Christ, which is a fancy way to say that we believe that each of us will be changed when we experience a life with Jesus! Here’s why we exist.

Is this one church, or two?

Great question! We are a church with two congregations, Attridge and The Gathering. We are currently working towards greater independence between the congregations. We have information on our Locations page.

What sort of programs do you offer?

Many! The bulk of our traditional “programs” are hosted at our Attridge site, but our Broadway site also has something to offer!

What sort of things do you believe in?

We’ve got a whole page to talk about just that!

Other Links

Here’s some other links we think may be helpful as you want to learn more about us as a church!

If you have any other questions, you can email our main office or anyone else that you can find on our staff page!