Stories Of Transformation

Jeannie Postnikoff

Below is a Story of Transformation from Jeannie Postnikoff who was baptized at FGCC on March 12.

Hello I am Jeannie Postnikoff. If you don’t know me already you probably know my parents, Lloyd and Lorrie or my brothers Jay and Scott or some other relative of mine.  I have gone to this church all my life, and have grown up with such a loving and supportive family that I am extremely grateful for. I became a Christian at a young age and over the years God has revealed different characteristics of himself to me throughout my life, that gradually progressed my relationship with him.

It was at the age of five that I can still remember quite clearly when I first experienced God’s peace. I had broken my arm in two places quite badly and was crying uncontrollably on the way to the hospital. But then my mom prayed for God to calm me down and as soon as she said “amen” I stopped crying and both my mom and I knew that God had chosen to give me peace at that moment. Till this day my mom still prays peace over me. If I ever am leaving the house stressed about something she almost always quotes Number 6:24-26 which states,

“May the Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord, make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

I often just brush off those words but reflecting on it now, God truly has been providing me with peace in many situations.

I never really had close Christian friends through elementary, and though I did have my phases of wanting to be friends with people just because they were “cool” I still stayed faithful to God and never really doubted him. In grade 7 I remember standing in my kitchen and having this strong feeling that God was telling me that I will go to Jamaica some day. This was one of the first times I remember hearing from God but I didn’t really think to much of it. I was just content in knowing that at some point in my life I would go to Jamaica. In grade 10 I applied to go to Jamaica with youth for Christ’s project serve within the last few hours that you could while being in a stressed time and made my decision while my parents were overseas in Europe.  So in grade 10 I went and I learned about my heart for people with disabilities when visiting a home there. I learned how I can love people with just being in their presence and show God’s love to them through smiling and praying for them. That was also the last year that project serve took a team there so I was really glad that I did end up applying when I did.

The summer after grade 10 I did the Leadership in Training program at Camp Kadesh and it was there where I made amazing Christian friends that I’m still friends with today.  Through LITing I was really encouraged into a whole year of connecting with God through the bible. I started reading the bible daily and in the fall I started bible quizzing which is a program for youth, giving them the opportunity to memorize scripture in a fun and competitive environment! Reading scripture everyday allowed me to discover God’s characteristics more and more. Also having God’s Word in my mind changed my mind set in the way that I live. This year I have been struggling to make the time to read the bible now that I don’t have that expectation of having verses memorized every week as I did with Bible quizzing. However, this year I have been able to be more open with sharing my faith through conversation with my friends.

My future plans involve going on a DTS at YWAM Orlando where I will learn to share the gospel and God’s love through sports and fitness. I want God to use my passion for fitness as a way to connect with people and glorify Him!

One verse that I try to live by is Romans 12:2:

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know Gods will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”

I want to get baptized so that I can proclaim my belief in Jesus Christ in front of my church, family, and friends. Baptism is something Jesus did and calls us to do so I want to obey him in doing this.

Forest Grove is and probably always will be my “home church” so I am happy to be apart of the church through membership. I am glad to know that despite the travels I may take in the years to come, I will always feel welcomed and have support from everyone here.