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Journey Wall

We are inviting all three congregations (Attridge, The Gathering and North Site) of Forest Grove Community Church to come together to explore where FGCC has been and how you have experienced this journey. Whether you have been a part of North Site, The Gathering or Attridge for many years or a few months, you are invited to come and discover in community. 

Looking back helps us to see where God has been at work, where there have been challenges and where we can see God leading into the future. The risk of not looking back is to not see past mistakes and then, repeating them. The Journey Wall is an experience of listening to everyone, preparing the way for a future that you want to be part of and asking God to guide you into His way forward. Join us on May 12th and 14th as we grow and learn. 

It is recommended that you participate in both Thursday evening and Saturday morning. If you can only make it to one, you can state that in your registration. 

May 12th // 7-9:00pm // Attridge Sanctuary
May 14th // 8:30-12pm // Attridge Sanctuary

Childcare is available for BOTH Thursday evening and Saturday morning.

If you prefer to engage online, join via Zoom.
(Meeting ID: 799 554 7975)

Livestream is also available, though we recommend joining on Zoom so that you can actively participate. Join the Livestream here.