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June 20 Council Meeting Highlights

The Covenant of Collaboration was read through. 

Pastor Report 

FGCC Ministry Direction – June 16, 2023 
– Reg will look at ways to have more intentional prayer focus this summer  

Lead Team Report 
– Kevin will compile results of the survey re: “Transition Summary and Future Direction” document the first week in July and provide results to Council 
– Youth Ministry Associate role: there was discussion regarding how many interviews and who interviews the candidates.  
– Capital Campaign: Brian Heagy and Galen Heinrichs have agreed to be on a committee for this campaign. Kevin will provide names to Brian of those from the congregation who are professional fundraisers. 
– Financial Update: we will probably be about 95% to budget for fiscal year end. Council has asked Kevin for a financial update by mid-July for an indication of year- end. (final numbers will not be available yet) 

– Peter and Rianne Quiring, Connor and Sara Schinmann, Rob Forsyth (will be baptized August 20, 2023) were presented as membership candidates. Motion to approve these individuals was accepted. 

Strategic Focus 
Strategic Plan Update 

SKMB Code of Ethics 
– Kevin will add this to the Strategic Plan under Leadership Development. 
– Discussion on Why we Sign? And Who should sign? 

Indigenous Engagement 
– Discussed the ‘working’ document that was written a year ago. 
– Relationship should come first, then partnership. Learning needs to happen along with these. 
– We should use missiological language. 
– Reg will make edits to the document and invite individuals to participate in focus groups.