Time was spent sharing what is happening in our lives and prayer requests. Erica prayed. The Covenant of Collaboration was read through.
Clarification to membership update below: There have been a few members who have chosen to “unsubscribe” to the membership affirmation email and no longer live in Saskatoon. These rare few have been moved to “non-member” status.
Membership Updates: There have been a few members who have chosen to “unsubscribe” to FGCC emails. They will be removed from the database and membership. A follow-up letter and/or phone calls were suggested to check in with those who have left to see where they are at spiritually; we need to consider the timing of when to do this.
Reporting for The Gathering and Attridge: The plan is to have the congregations submit reports for their congregations monthly. Some of the content of these reports will be made available to the congregations and go out with the Thursday emails at the end of each month along with a financial report update. The thought is to pull out 1-2 items from the reports to highlight and then have a link for those who would like to see more of the reports.
Leadership Discernment and Development Committee: Two individuals are continuing with the discernment process. There are 2 other individuals they will be contacting. The LDDC is also looking for new committee members and have 3 individuals they will be contacting about serving. Suggestion to provide education for our congregation, particularly the younger generation, about the role of Council and the discernment process to serve in church leadership. A draft report will be crafted to send out with the weekly communications to our congregations.
Personnel Resources Committee: No report submitted.
Governance: No report submitted but will meet with Galen Heinrichs to provide orientation to Council and will meet April 5/23 to begin the Bylaws review. The goal is to have the initial Bylaws review draft completed for presentation to Council by the end of April, 2023.
Financial Audit Committee: The donation report shows a solid, broad giving base. This report will be made available to Council before our next meeting.
Proposed 2023-24 Budget: The draft of the Budget was presented and is at around $1.6 million in total. This includes expenses for Reg Toews for 6 months. Staff remuneration is at 56% of the budget. Kevin was asked to revise the budget to increase ministries expenses to 6.5% of the budget so that this is in line with our current support for the SKMB Conference. Our facility expenses are 21% of the budget. Our estimate is about $100,000/year will cover the current upgrade and maintenance needs. Use of the North building and the IRR are relevant as we determine how we cover our facility expenses.
Staff Update/Hiring: Maryanne Berge has asked for an extension of her medical leave, and this will be set until Nov/Dec 2023. The Missions Team is doing well and can continue to function as they have been for this time.
Strategic Plan Review: Kevin led us through the Strategic Plan. Multisite clarity has been achieved for the near future. We continue to review the Vision and this process will be completed by the end of April. Reg suggests that values could be a year-long process with new Lead Pastor.
All staff have signed the SK MB Code of Ethics which includes an agreement with the MB Confession of Faith.
Worship and Community Pastor: Matthew Blackaby has been asked candidate for this role. He is available for this on the weekend of May 6 and 7, 2023. We will have a vote as soon as possible after the weekend. Proposed starting date mid-June, 2023.
Lead Pastor: The Search Committee will have its first meeting March 30, 2023. The job description for this position is in process and will need to be completed this week.
Council gave direction that Lead Pastor position reports to Council and we need a strategic/management position that will report to LP but work in collaboration to implement organizational decisions. Council will develop 2 job descriptions by April 15.
Youth Pastor: Preliminary discussions have been completed and Kevin is beginning the Search team discernment process.
Accountant: The position has been posted. Kevin, Ange Richards, and Jason Bryans will be the search team with Kevin leading.
Span West (developer for the property to the east of FGCC): Galen Heinrichs advised us of his conflict of interest and left the meeting for this discussion. Discussion took place around the needs of Span West and the type of tenants allowed in any future development. We will work with Josh Remai to create a list of businesses that cannot occupy the SpanWest building adjacent to the FGCC and review this list every 2 years.