Janice read Psalm 19 and shared some thoughts on how God’s instructions revive us and give us joy which is very counter cultural. Most of our world doesn’t want rules, much less ones coming from God and His Word. Time was spent praying in small groups. The Council Covenant of Collaboration was read through.
A report was submitted by Kendrew Friesen. He will be invited to come and share in person at Council in the fall. Kendrew and Council recognize the need for support for Kendrew as he moves into this large role.
LDDC: The committee has spoken to 23 people over the past few months to see if they would be willing to discern serving on Council. Most people are needing more time to prepare to commit. It was raised that the annual relationship reviews are a large task and whether it is necessary to do them this frequently.
PRC: Exit interview was completed with Chandra Styles. Ken met with Reg and Kevin one-on-one to check in with how they are doing.
Governance: The Bylaws currently allow any member to ask to see Council meeting minutes. The process we have developed re: requests for the minutes was discussed and further changes will be made stating the individual(s) asking for access are to come in person to the church office to access the minutes and that no recording of the minutes in any form will be allowed.
FAC: There has been a lot of transition with staffing, so some items have been deferred with priorities being shifted to allow staff to settle in and learn their roles.
The Gathering: The move to 102 Goerzen Street seems to be positive; no decision on whether they will stay there long-term will be made until the fall.
CCMBC AGM June 8, 2023 5-7 pm: 5-7 delegates are needed. We will have an email vote to approve the delegates.
Staffing: Anna Erickson will be done on June 5. Her position is not being filled at present. Grace Friesen is taking on many of her duties as many of her current duties will be taken over by Matt Blackaby. Grace is willing to attend Council meetings and take minutes. Office hours will be from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm from June-August. Staff will still be working their regular hours.
Indigenous Engagement: Reg would like to start having focus groups meet over the summer to speak into the draft document that was prepared in August 2022.
Attridge Attendance: Attendance is increasing and has been averaging 495 every Sunday this year.
Lead Pastor Search: There are 3-4 potential candidates that have applied. The Search Team is excited and will soon be starting interviews.
Missions Team Request: The Missions team had a goal to raise $30,000.00 for the Panama Team trip. They raised over $35,000.00. They would like to use the extra funds to support Multiply Panama Projects that are urgently needing funding such as the Discipleship School run by Einar and Girlesa Zuluaga.
Motion #3: To disperse the remainder of the funds that were raised for the Panama Team project as deemed appropriate by the Missions Mobilization Team – MSC