Our vision as a church is to focus on a few intentional global partnerships which allow us to build mutual relationships and trust as we serve God and one another. We are enjoying these kinds of healthy partnerships already in Panama with the Wounaan Church and in Mexico with the Matthew Training Centre.
FGCC, through the Global Mission Lead team, has been intentionally discerning and developing a new partnership in Central Asia since 2018. You can read more about the details, goals and outcomes hoped for in this mutual partnership below.
Council has affirmed this proposal and invites you to engage in our process of discernment as congregations through this document and by meeting Pastor H and Dave in person as they visit us again May 13-19th. We will share more info on June 5 at our congregations meeting and bring a motion to formalize this partnership there.
All Sites, plan to join us at Attridge on May 15th at 6:30pm for our Global Stories Event with Pastor H and Dave. You will be encouraged!
If you have any questions please contact Maryanne or council.