Council Updates

Nov 8 Council Meeting Highlights

Present: Erica Fraser, Janice Block, Gil Klassen, Anna Robinson, Ken Willms
Regrets: Joel Dyck
Staff Present: Reg Toews, Kevin Wiens

Ken shared about 5 attributes of a fruitful life from David Jeremiah’s teaching. They are character, conduct, conversation, contributions and converts. We often feel guilty that we are not meeting the last one but all these produce fruit. He read Psalms 1. The Covenant of Collaboration was read. The meeting was opened with prayer.

Motion #1 – to accept the agenda – MSC
Motion #2 – to accept the Oct 25, 2022 Council meeting minutes – MSC

Financial Report as of Sept 30, 2022:

Last Fiscal YTDThis Fiscal YTD
Income to Budget66.48%76.76%
Expenditures to Budget90.21%98.02%
Income to Expense($110,307.90)($71,570.90)

Lead Team Report

Strategic Plan:  We will review this at the Council Retreat and make actionable plans then.

CUCC:  There will be an evening event in January for members/attendees to discuss “What does this mean for us as a church?”.  

Staffing:  There is an applicant for the Children’s Ministry Assistant position.  The Worship Pastor search team is meeting Nov 10, 2022 to discuss what additional responsibilities/roles will be added to the job description.  It was mentioned that we have lost some worship team members; Vi Paetkau has volunteered to help recruit people.

Transition Team Report

The Transition Team feels we need to take advantage of the momentum achieved at the Congregations Meeting to have further discussion with our congregations.  They are planning to have a “Myth Busters” presentation first and then time for discussion around tables on the morning of December 3, 2022.  They will present 3-4 possible options for multisite moving forward.  A poll will be taken to help discern what option is the one most are in support of.  This information will then be processed by the Transition Team who will then report to Council.  The goal is to have a recommendation for the membership to vote on at the March Congregations Meeting.  

Prior to the Council meeting, a confidential meeting took place with Nathan McCorkindale.  Kevin Wiens and Brian Wiens attended as observers at Nathan’s request.  No decisions were made at this meeting as the agenda was to listen to each other.