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October is Pastor Appreciation Month

It is believed that this concept of pastor appreciation started with the Apostle Paul as he was establishing the first Christian churches.  In Thessalonians, he said, “Respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you.  Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work” (Thess. 5:12-13). 

Our FGCC Council would like to thank, recognize, and honour our amazing and gifted staff.  We affirm our staff and their call to ministry at FGCC.  We encourage you, as members of this church body, to pray for your Pastors, take time to recognize and encourage them, and celebrate how God has blessed our church with a staff that desires to see people experience transformation in Jesus Christ.   

We want to recognize Brian Wiens, our Site Pastor for The Gathering at Broadway, as he reaches the milestone of 5 years of service with us.  We are grateful for Brian’s continued leadership on staff and specifically his leading at our Broadway site. 

From FGCC Council