Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ
This is a final update to the proposal that was originally presented to our church family via email on May 11th with an updated proposal sent on June 3rd, which was to be brought to our Congregations Meeting on Sunday June 6th. It is evident that there is a broad consensus among nearly all of those who have responded that our church should engage in this area, but it is equally evident that we as a leadership team have not created a process that has allowed for people to engage with this proposal and its iterations, and, through that, have alienated people on all sides. It is, therefore, with deep regret that Council and the Lead Team are in agreement to remove this proposal from the June 6th Congregations Meeting.
We sincerely apologize to those who have been hurt and frustrated during this process, but have hope and faith that God will guide us as we build on the movement that has started here.
Jonathan Durance and Ron MacKay (Co-Moderators)
The FGCC Lead Team