Stories Of Transformation

Steven Schroeder

I feel like God has gotten my attention many times over the years and has continually drawn me towards him, rather than 1 significant moment.

1. When did Jesus get your attention?

I feel like God has gotten my attention many times over the years and has continually drawn me towards him, rather than 1 significant moment.  I remember saying my first prayer and asking Jesus into my heart while camping as a family at Waskesui when I was 5.  I remember when my parents gave me my first bible and wrote Proverbs 3:5-6 on the inside cover, which was the first verse I ever memorized. In grade 12 I moved to Saskatoon and started attending Forest Grove senior youth and for the first time was really excited about being a Christian. I’ve done multiple missions trips over the years where God has gotten my attention through spiritual highs, and I’ve gone through some valleys that almost broke me had it not been for God carrying me through.  I don’t know if I can say God got my attention more at one point than another, but I’m grateful that He pursues me and reveals Himself to me again and again.

2. What is a faith marker in your life?

A significant faith marker in my life happened a couple years ago. After the Humboldt Bronco bus crash, myself and some other alumni went to the hospital to visit some of the players. I remember speaking to one parent in particular, and their face was beaming and they were so proud of their son, who they thought they had lost. They listed off all the injuries and hurts that their son had, and then asked if I wanted to see him. They were so happy and proud and excited to show him off, even though their son was so broken.  It was such a tangible reminder of how much God loves me and us, regardless of how broken we can be.What is God doing in your life right now?

3. What is God doing in your life right now?

Right now God is reminding me of His faithfulness. I must admit that through the covid season, I have not been as devoted to Him as I should be. I’ve found it difficult to focus on God at times when the normal routine of Sunday mornings and small group meetings, etc., went out the window last March. However, God has reminded me that He is faithful, even when I’m not. 

4. What is a favourite piece of scripture?

A favourite piece of scripture for me has to be Ephesians 3:17-18. It says, “Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in Him. Your roots will grow down into Gods love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.”  I love the phrase, “as you trust in him”. It means it takes action and faith on my end. Gods love is boundless and He wants to make His home in my heart, but I need to ask God in.  I have this verse tattooed on my right forearm, with a heart visible within the tree roots, just as a simple reminder, and I view it as a theme in my life.

5. Why do you love our church?

I love many things about Forest Grove. One being how gospel and mission focused the church is. I love how focused the church is on spreading the gospel from the river to the ends of the earth, as our mission statement says. I also love how the church presents opportunities to stretch my faith by getting involved in various capacities. Whether it’s helping lead the Alpha program, being on the Missions Mobilization Team, welcoming people Sunday mornings, or going to Mexico to the Matthew Training Center, Forest Grove provides so many areas to serve, grow in faith, and find our giftings.